优德app下载安装公司用自动化仪表取代了所有的电表和天然气表, concluding in 2019. Today, 客户可以通过CustomerConnect门户访问其详细的能源使用情况, accessible when you log into your MidwestEnergy account.
What are automated meters?
自动仪表看起来类似于你现在的电表或燃气表, 它们测量电力或天然气的使用方式和你的电流表一样. 但它们是“自动化的”,因为它们包含一个小型无线电发射器,每四个小时将您的使用信息发送回我们的办公室. Automated electric meters also provide data on voltage, 以及任何发生在输电线上的中断. 优德app下载安装公司将为目前正在使用的所有电力和天然气表部署自动化仪表.
Automated meters help control operating costs, improve reliability, speed outage response, enable new and convenient payment options, 增加能源效率机会,提高员工安全.
安装于2016年在Hays开始,并于2019年夏天在Great Bend区结束.
Why DID we change meters?
To give you improved access to your energy information. 你的新电表能给你提供更详细的能源使用信息. 客户可以登录他们的优德app下载安装账户,查看他们过去一天的能源使用情况, week, or month. No more surprises when the bill comes; you can even set up text or e-mail alerts, notifying you when your usage reaches a chosen level, 使您能够更有效地预算和更有效地使用能源.
新技术意味着更高的可靠性和新的服务. Your automated meter sends us consumption information, measured in hourly increments, once every four hours. 自动电表发送额外的信息,比如电压读数. During an outage, it sends us a signal when it loses power, 因此,我们可以快速确定停电边界,并尽快恢复电力. 到时候,你还可以选择预付电费. 只要你方便,就提前支付电费,这样预算就简单了, 新客户不需要交保证金.
Automation helps control costs. 自动化仪表帮助优德app下载安装公司控制成本,保持价格合理. These meters have helped us save our customers more than $1 million per year through improved utility operations. 大部分节约与抄表和“抄表操作”活动(重新抄表)有关, electric disconnection/reconnections, etc.).
自动化带来安全、便利和环境效益. Meter readers drove thousands of miles each month, and their work exposed them to animal bites, insect stings and other hazards. 自动仪表允许我们远程执行日常功能,如每月读取仪表, readings to start or stop service, and some disconnections/re-connections. 远程仪表帮助将十几辆米级卡车赶下了路, 每年减少了数千次出行,减少了排放到大气中的二氧化碳量.
Questions and Answers:
Q: How do "automated meters" work?
答:自动仪表测量两者的总消耗量, just as the old electromechanical meters did, 还有优德游戏app电压和电力线路中断的额外信息, measured in 15-minute increments. 我们的自动化电表和天然气模块有一个2瓦的发射器, 让他们每四小时向优德app下载安装公司发送一次加密的数字读数, through a network of more than 50 radio towers. These transmissions take just a fraction of a second. 这些为我们提供了更准确、更及时的读数, 并且允许你随时上网查看你当前的能源消耗.
Q: Are automated meters safe and secure?
A:全国已经安装了7000多万个自动化电表, measuring electric, natural gas and water consumption. 像优德app下载安装公司(Midwest Energy)这样的数十家公司和城市每年都在安装更多的设备. 优德app下载安装公司正在优德app下载安装物业上安装Sensus iConA Gen4电表, 哪些是首批通过美国保险商实验室(UL)标准的自动化仪表. 优德app下载安装电表每四小时向优德app下载安装公司传回一次数据.
Our Sensus meters are "point to point,这意味着它们可以通过专用频率直接与附近的无线电发射塔通信, 与“网状”技术不同,在“网状”技术中,仪表与附近的仪表之间来回发送数据.
自动仪表发出的射频(RF)波与手机和Wi-Fi设备一样. 我们的仪表使用一个2瓦的发射器,在900MHz范围内工作. For perspective, 许多手机和车库门打开器使用1到2瓦的发射器, and many CB radios utilize 4-watt transmitters. Given their small transmitters, 因为这些仪表的“占空比”只有几秒, six times a day, 接触射频的频率明显低于普通手机, or a Wi-Fi router that continuously transmits a signal. 美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)对射频辐射进行监管, 优德app下载安装公司安装的电表远低于FCC的功率密度暴露限制.
美国癌症协会回顾了几项优德游戏app自动仪表的研究,并得出结论, “因为你从智能电表中接触到的射频辐射量比你从手机中接触到的要少得多, 住在有智能电表的房子里不太可能增加患癌症的风险.”
From: American Cancer Society, http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancer-causes/radiation-exposure/smart-meters.html, accessed Sept. 5, 2019.
答:所有优德app下载安装公司的客户都可以访问CustomerConnect, once you log into your Midwest Energy account. This brochure explains how to create a new Midwest Energy account, how to access CustomerConnect, and what you'll see once there.
A: Midwest Energy does not have an “opt out” policy. To receive full benefits of automated meters, 优德app下载安装公司必须在所有有电表的地方安装它们.
Q: Where can I learn more?
This page last updated July 13, 2023