IRBs are security obligations issued by municipalities and counties on behalf of a particular business entity. 内部审查委员会允许政府单位作为企业的融资渠道. 内部审查委员会没有得到发行单位的充分信任和信用的支持, thus the ability of a company to use this type of financing is incumbent on its own financial strength and ability to repay the obligations.
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The KIT program is a comprehensive and flexible workforce training program designed to respond to the specific needs of new or expanding companies. 符合条件的行业包括至少创造一个就业机会的企业. 可供选择的行业包括制造业, 分布, regional or national service facilities and other businesses primarily engaged in the development or production of goods or the provision of service of out-of-state sale.
The KIR program assists employees of restructuring industries who are likely to be displaced because of obsolete or inadequate job skills or knowledge. KIR基金可用于支付一些符合KIR计划的再培训费用. KIR项目需要公司提供相应的美元资金. Eligible industries include enterprises that are restructuring their operations through incorporation of existing technology, 开发和采用新技术, 生产多样化或开发和实施新的生产活动. 至少有一名员工必须在该项目下接受培训,才有资格获得援助.
The IMPACT program may be utilized by individual businesses or consortiums of companies adding new jobs. 比如KIT项目, IMPACT is intended to help companies offset the cost of training employees for new jobs; however, the funding capacity is substantially larger because the number and average wages of the new employees determine the project funding limits.
KDFA管理着一个针对新手农民的联邦项目. 这个项目允许有农业经验的堪萨斯人, 但从未拥有过大量的农田, 为购买农业用地提供低于市场利率的融资, 改进, 设备和品种.
Ad Astra种子资本基金
通过KTEC控股有限公司., Ad Astra种子资本基金, KTEC provides financing for Kansas advanced technology companies at their earliest stage of development. 资金用于, 但不限于, 原型测试和改进, 现场测试和初步市场评估和开发. 可以考虑作为种子资本投资, a firm must demonstrate that the innovation will provide a competitive edge in the marketplace; significant employment will be generated in Kansas; and sufficient capital is unavailable through traditional financing sources. 种子资本投资的目的是为公司寻找风险资本.
CDBG用于协助社区吸引和扩大工业. 通过该计划提供的资金在竞争基础上每年颁发五次. CDBG基金适用于人口少于50人的城市,000个或少于200个的县,人口1000万. 这些规定要求每35美元创造一个就业机会,000, 通过CDBG计划可获得的最高拨款为750美元,000.
堪萨斯州是少数几个拥有自己出口贷款担保计划的州之一. The export guaranty can help a small company obtain financing to pay the costs associated with an export sale. This guaranty can assist a manufacturing company in obtaining a loan to pay for raw materials and the components necessary to manufacture products for an export order.
This program provides low-interest loans to cities and counties for infrastructure 改进 that support basic enterprises. The loans are designed to assist city and county governments in their efforts to attract new businesses and expand existing businesses. 堪萨斯州的所有城市和县都有资格申请.
The 堪萨斯企业区法案 established a non-metropolitan regional business program which will provide a business expansion and development incentives on a state-wide basis. 才有资格获得这些奖励, manufacturing and retail businesses (eligible for tax exemption only) must create two 网 new jobs. 非制造业、非零售业必须创造5个就业岗位才能获得资格. 零售企业只有在拥有2个社区才有资格获得销售税豁免,500人或以下.
社区快车贷款为符合条件的小企业主提供5美元不等的无抵押贷款,000 to $25,000英镑,为期7年, 利率为质数+ 4.50%,没有预付罚金,最少的文书工作和快速的审批时间. 商业贷款快递是一家非传统银行, which has a contracted arrangement with SBA to make these loans whereby 社区 Express receives an 85% guaranty from SBA. 社区 Express utilizes a credit scoring system based on credit score and payment ability to determine creditworthiness of the applicant. 作为贷款的一部分, borrowers are encouraged to receive technical assistance to better operate and grow their business. Potential users for the loan include a start-up that does not have sufficient collateral or down payment, 现有业务, 哪一个需要额外的营运资金, 或者差额融资,以抵消银行在做更大项目时的一些风险.
SBA Loan Express is an SBA Guaranteed Loan through your local bank that has completed the paperwork to be a designated SBA Loan Express Lender, 贷款人将从SBA获得50%的贷款担保. 银行做出信贷决定,贷款在银行的贷款文件上完成. 贷款的上限是35万美元. 它可以是分期偿还贷款,也可以是最长七年的信用贷款, 另外,期限和利率是由银行决定的. 贷款申请有最少的文书工作要完成,提交给你的银行批准.
SBA 7(a)贷款担保和低文件计划
小企业管理局担保贷款由私人贷方(通常是银行)提供,并由小企业管理局提供担保. 最高保证是1美元,000,利率可以是固定的,也可以是可变的,一般不超过2英镑.比《优德游戏app》的优惠利率高75%. 小企业管理局将为85%的15万美元以下的贷款和75%的15万美元以上的贷款提供担保. 贷款收益可用于土地, 建筑, 建筑及翻新, 机械设备, 营运资金及存货. 在某些情况下,债务再融资可以包括在SBA担保贷款中. 如果贷款申请少于150美元,000, 可以使用Low Doc应用程序-一个简单的两页应用程序. 一般, SBA在向萨克拉门托提交低Doc申请的三天内做出决定, CA的办公室. 对于高达15万美元的担保贷款,SBA允许银行保留25%的担保费.
小企业管理局504贷款项目是小企业管理局之间的合作项目, a Certified Development Company (CDC) and a private lender in 10 to 20 year term financial packages. 贷款收益将用于帮助小型企业购置工厂, 建设, 转换或扩展. 这包括购置使用寿命至少为10年的机器和设备. 504计划不能用于提供营运资金或为现有债务再融资. 小企业管理局7(A)担保可与504营运资金申请一并提交, 库存, 等.
Disaster assistance can be made when the President of the Administrator of the SBA declares a specific area to be a disaster area. 灾难贷款有两种类型, (1)自然灾害贷款;(2)经济损失灾害贷款. 自然灾害贷款是发放给房主的, 租房者, businesses (large or small) and nonprofit organizations for the purpose of repairing or replacing damaged or destroyed homes, 个人财产和企业财产. Economic Injury Disaster Loans are made to small businesses which suffer substantial economic injury because of the disaster. Loan proceeds may be used for working capital and to pay financial obligations which the small business could have met if the disaster did not occur. 这些贷款的利率一般为4%.
U.S. 农业部工商贷款计划
美国.S. 农业部, 通过商业和工业贷款计划, 保证当地贷款机构向企业和工业提供贷款,以惠及农村地区. A primary purpose of the program is to create and maintain employment as well as improve the economic and environmental climate in rural communities.
The grant is to support the development of small and emerging private business enterprises located in a rural area. The grant is made to local governments or private non-profit corporations in rural areas with a population of less than 50,000, 这反过来又把收益借给企业. These funds can be used by the local government or non-profit corporation to set up a revolving loan fund. 一般来说,这些补助金的最高数额为5万美元.
This program finances economic development and job creation projects in rural areas based on sound economic plans. REDLGs are available to any Rural Utilities Service electric or telecommunications borrower to assist in developing rural areas, 创造就业机会, 并保留现有的就业.
U.S. 商务和经济发展局
这是一个真正的拨款给一个城市或县,目的是为一个项目提供基础设施. 例如为商业发展项目修建道路、水管和下水道. 它可以为符合条件的县提供高达50%或60%的项目成本. 它的基础是创造或保留就业机会. The maximum available is $1 million or the dollar amount that is available at the time of grant application. 资格是根据人均个人收入和/或失业率确定的.
The financing of a business venture can come from a variety of sources; however, it takes careful planning and research to discover the available financing that would be best for your business development. 如欲申请下列商业融资计划,或查询更多资料,请联络:
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